Do you focus on the right thing?

In both the coaching and consulting environments I am often approached by individuals or organisations to support them in resolving a particular issue confronting them.  A foremost question in my mind is always, “Are they focussed on the right thing?” The tendency is for people to focus on the issue or behaviours that are right in […]

Nice Body, Shame About the Rest! (or, why so many learning and development and change initiatives fail)

Why is it so many learning and development (L&D) and change initiatives fail to deliver? I have recently had anecdotal feedback from several agencies that contributed to the last APS State of the Service survey.  While individual results indicated that up to 80% of staff had been involved in L&D activities, in the preceding year, […]

Performance Plans , Personal Development Plans and Performance Reviews

Why is it that getting performance planning, personal development planning and performance reviews to work is so hard? In the past few days I had a discussion with a high level senior executive service manager responsible for human resource management for a large public sector organisation.  He was expressing frustration about the unwillingness of people, […]

Community Support 2014

As mentioned in a previous post and reflected on this website Business WIDE seeks to provide support to a range of worthwhile organisations in different ways. Entering the new year we have reviewed our donations policy and for 2014 we will continue to donate 2% of gross revenue to charities.  This year we will continue to support […]
