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PRISM: Your Behavioural Strengths.

The purpose of this post is to provide a brief introduction to how PRISM Brain Mapping can be used in the coaching context. There are many diagnostic tools that people can use to help better understand their strengths and areas for development, their behavioural preferences, their impact on others and their personality types.  Some of these, such as […]

Leadership. It’s not just about ‘The Gorillas in the Mist’

I read a wide variety of material on leadership and am sometimes troubled by the fact, that nearly all of it, focuses solely on the responsibilities of chief executives and senior managers in organisations.  I am also often confronted by dialogue within organisations and from individuals about leadership failings in their workplace.  Invariably the fault is attributed, […]


In my coaching work with senior members of the Australian Public Service (APS) of late I have found a number of coachees struggling to cope with rapid change, increasing workload demands exacerbated by shrinking resources and uncertainty in terms of the direction of Ministerial expectations in a turbulent political landscape.  These pressures are sometimes added to by […]

Is it Useful?

This post has been inspired by three recent conversations in which I have posed the question “Is it useful?” and had senior managers in three different organisations look startled and then uncertain. I was taught the value of this ‘Useful’ question several years ago by my Director of Communications.  At the time we had quite […]

“Life is the Pits”, can I change how I feel about it?

I recently came across an interesting blog, by Walter Chen, about ways to rewire our brains for positivity and happiness.  I liked the post and decided to share it, following a recent conversation in a coffee shop. My coffee shop conversation was a chance encounter and chat, not a formal coaching session, but I found myself in a gentle coaching […]

Career bottlenecks in the APS – A Career Path Challenge

Late in 2012 the Canberra Times Public Service Editor, Markus Mannheim, wrote an article on the “career bottleneck” facing some public servants, particularly at the Executive Level 1 classification.  The article drew on an Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) paper.  The statistics reflected in the APSC paper, combined with staffing cut backs in the current […]
