Life Styles Inventory Behavioural and Leadership Strengths Diagnostic

The purpose of this post is to provide some insight to how the Life Styles Inventory ™ (LSI) developed by Human Synergistics International can assist individuals in measuring their level of effectiveness in the work place. THE LSI is one of a number of diagnostic tools available to test behavioural styles and strengths.  In my experience working with leadership teams […]

PRISM: Your Behavioural Strengths.

The purpose of this post is to provide a brief introduction to how PRISM Brain Mapping can be used in the coaching context. There are many diagnostic tools that people can use to help better understand their strengths and areas for development, their behavioural preferences, their impact on others and their personality types.  Some of these, such as […]

Leadership. It’s not just about ‘The Gorillas in the Mist’

I read a wide variety of material on leadership and am sometimes troubled by the fact, that nearly all of it, focuses solely on the responsibilities of chief executives and senior managers in organisations.  I am also often confronted by dialogue within organisations and from individuals about leadership failings in their workplace.  Invariably the fault is attributed, […]

Helping People Through Change

A few days ago I attended a meeting of fellow members of the International Coach Federation in Canberra and got into discussion with a colleague about challenges she was facing in supporting people through organisational change.  She was expressing surprise at how difficult it was to get people to let go and move forward to new […]

Internal Audit’s Role (an Audit Committee perspective)

In the past week I participated in a Keynote Panel Discussion for the Annual Public Sector Internal Audit Conference in Canberra, run by the Institute of Internal Auditors. The subject for the panel discussion was ‘Establishing Risk Tolerance – The Audit Committee Perspective’.  During discussion I was asked what it is I seek from internal audit, in my capacity […]
